Kontakt in Ihrer Geschäftsstelle
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Autor*in des Beitrags
Dr. Christoph Picker
Leiter ServiceCenter Arbeitswissenschaft / Arbeitssicherheit
+49 (0) 89-551 78-518 +49 (0) 160-985 102 72 E-Mail senden
Personal | Leitfaden | 03/22
Classification according to the Framework Collective Wage Agreement (ERA-TV)
With the amalgamation of remuneration systems for blue- and white-collar workers into one system (the ERA collective agreement), the legal foundations for fair and transparent remuneration have been laid. Our many years of experience in advising affiliates shows that the collective agreement also meets the demands placed on it in day-to-day operations.
In our guide, we will introduce you to the systematic apparatus underpinning pay by way of collective agreement as set out in the framework agreement on pay and explain, in detail, the procedure governing the process of classification. We will also provide you with advice on how to avoid (or at least recognise) unwanted changes, in particular, with reference to erroneously high levels of pay.
The aspiration to set pay in line with requirements and without regard to the individual is an ongoing task that not only requires a committed human resources organisation but also qualified managers. Effective collaboration between managers and the human resources organisation within the process ensures a transparent pay structure and a comprehensible approach to pay differentiation.